- 冶 smelt
- steam cabinet (消毒用的) 蒸汽室
- 近年的研究表明,不同生物体包括细菌和真核生物中都存在类别不同的能够降解AHL的群体感应淬灭酶(Quorum-quenching enzyme)。 Several groups of AHL-degradation enzymes have recently been identified in a range of living organisms, including bacteria and eukaryotes.
- steam heat (冷凝时放出的) 蒸汽热
- 快速STEAM序列脑扩散磁共振成像 Turbo STEAM Diffusion MR Imaging of the Human Brain in Vivo
- 矿冶 mining and metallurgy
- steam consumption (锻锤的) 蒸气耗量
- exhaust steam nozzle (机车的) 排汽喷嘴
- 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。 an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia).
- 将鱼、布丁等置于沸水上蒸叫steam We steam fish,puddings,etc.by placing the food above boiling water.
- 冶容诲淫 Seductive looks incite to wantonness; Bewtiching countenance incites lust; dress prettily invites adultery; Ogling looks induce to wantonness
- 将鱼、 布丁等置于沸水上蒸叫steam. We steam fish, puddings, etc by placing the food above boiling water.
- [冶]超耐热合金 superalloy
- steam spinning (of nylon) (耐纶) 蒸汽纺丝法
- 宾冶 punch
- steam-dump system (汽轮机事故时用的) 蒸汽排放系统
- 中南矿冶学院 Central-South China Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- steam,saute,grill一般只用于以上第一种句型. Steam,saute and grill are generally only used in the first pattern.steam
- 冶监 TANG-SONG:Foundry Directorate
- 锻冶煤 smithing coal